11.   Gonzalez said the suspected hijackers were returned to Cuba early Tuesday, a day after the other four.

12.   He said the documents would be transferred Sunday, but it was unclear when the hijackers would be returned.

13.   In May, China returned Taiwanese hijacker Liu Shan-chung, who had diverted a Taiwanese domestic airliner to the Chinese coastal city of Xiamen earlier this year.

14.   Influential British lawmakers insisted that, whoever they are, the hijackers should be returned to Sudan, where the Jordan-bound flight originated Monday night.

15.   Israeli Police Minister Moshe Shahal said Israel would not return the hijacker to Iran.

16.   It has demanded all hijackers be returned for trial.

17.   Taiwan and China have resolved major differences on an agreement to return hijackers, the Xinhua New Agency reported Sunday night.

18.   Taiwan officials have been reluctant to return hijackers to face trial a second time in China.

19.   Taiwan wants to return to the original talks agenda of more mundane issues such as frameworks for returning hijackers and resolving fishing disputes.

20.   The issue of repatriating hijackers is a sore point for China, which sees Taiwan as a renegade province and demands hijackers be returned.

v. + hijacker >>共 154
kill 8.71%
overpower 7.58%
return 5.68%
identify 5.30%
arrest 4.92%
arm 4.55%
capture 2.65%
repatriate 2.08%
seize 1.89%
say 1.70%
return + n. >>共 653
call 22.10%
fire 11.62%
message 5.15%
money 3.11%
favor 2.38%
body 1.37%
refugee 1.14%
punt 1.09%
home 0.98%
verdict 0.95%
hijacker 0.26%
每页显示:    共 30