11.   Israeli troops ringed the camp throughout the massacre and prevented Nuhad and her family from returning to help Souad.

12.   It was a tall order on the mean streets of East St. Louis, where Joyner-Kersee grew up and where she still returns to help the community.

13.   Kamra said he got out of the tent, then returned to help his wife, dragging her to safety.

14.   Local law enforcement officials cherish it, because a large share of the revenue is returned to help them chase more crooks.

15.   Recent graduates often return to help out during the final week, known as Push.

16.   Riady later returned to help run Worthen Bank, a large Arkansas bank that had been partly owned by the Riadys and the Stephens family.

17.   She helped an emotional colleague down a few flights and returned to help others.

18.   Some of the youngsters return to help Kailash in the raid-and-rescue operations.

19.   Then he returned to help preserve the victory.

20.   When he returns to the U.S. to help attend to his dying mother, he is confronted by unresolved family issues.

v. + help >>共 530
use 15.47%
do 10.17%
can 6.78%
work 4.08%
rush 2.73%
stop 2.67%
set_up 2.40%
arrive 2.34%
create 1.45%
return 1.28%
return + v. >>共 582
work 27.63%
play 4.65%
find 3.21%
practice 3.09%
face 1.76%
seek 1.65%
school 1.50%
live 1.45%
help 1.13%
form 1.13%
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