11.   Explanations could come later, perhaps before retaliatory action was discussed.

12.   Foreign observers were nervous Saturday that the gruesome deaths of the Albanians might provoke some kind of retaliatory action, further pushing Kosovo toward an all-out war.

13.   He also ruled out any retaliatory action for invasion of privacy, explaining that under the First Amendment it is the responsibility of the news media to police itself.

14.   He also said he was unconcerned about retaliatory action by Fox.

15.   However, if the U.S. takes that route, it must either pay compensation to the complaining countries, or allow them to take retaliatory action against U.S. exports.

16.   However, if it does so, it must either pay compensation to the complaining countries, or allow them to take retaliatory action against U.S. exports.

17.   I presume the idea was to protest against any retaliatory action taken by the US or its allies against targets in the Middle East.

18.   If this happens, U.S. companies not directly associated with the dispute are bound to be drawn into the fray as targets of retaliatory action by China.

19.   Incursions there have been frequent for weeks, and there was no immediate indication that this was the beginning of a retaliatory action.

20.   Just how quickly consumers return to their spending habits after the attack, and how successful U.S. retaliatory action will be, are huge variables.

a. + action >>共 551
military 13.59%
legal 11.10%
disciplinary 4.60%
further 2.89%
immediate 1.63%
possible 1.51%
similar 1.51%
quick 1.15%
congressional 1.13%
unilateral 1.02%
retaliatory 0.67%
retaliatory + n. >>共 124
attack 16.03%
strike 14.08%
measure 12.47%
action 11.79%
fire 5.17%
tariff 3.48%
sanction 3.22%
trade 2.54%
airstrikes 2.12%
raid 1.87%
每页显示:    共 138