11.   But before that can happen, democracy must be restored to the House.

12.   But Clinton defended his use of troops to save lives in Somalia, as well as Bosnia, and to restore democracy in Haiti.

13.   But Nunn, an influential lawmaker on military matters, also warned Clinton to be wary of using force to try to restore democracy in Haiti.

14.   But they said the mission to restore democracy would be much easier with the pledge of cooperation.

15.   But they said that the mission to restore democracy would be much easier with the pledge of cooperation.

16.   Democracy was restored in Peru after the corrupt and authoritarian rule of Alberto Fujimori.

17.   Earlier last week, the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution calling upon the Abacha government to release Abiola and restore democracy in Nigeria.

18.   Groups seeking to restore democracy to Burma are sponsoring boycotts against Best Western, Unocal, Suzuki and other companies that do business there.

19.   He also touted the US role in peace negotiations in Northern Ireland, and the US-led effort to restore democracy to Haiti.

20.   Haiti is no longer being touted as the model for Bosnia, because the U.S.-led effort to restore democracy in Haiti is deteriorating.

v. + democracy >>共 370
restore 14.19%
promote 8.19%
strengthen 4.37%
bring 3.81%
introduce 2.08%
undermine 1.79%
establish 1.74%
demand 1.68%
build 1.57%
embrace 1.51%
restore + n. >>共 1112
order 11.21%
confidence 8.91%
power 4.66%
calm 3.56%
peace 3.21%
democracy 3.04%
service 2.50%
stability 1.94%
rule 1.60%
electricity 1.23%
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