11.   Then, TMP sells its service to corporate human resource departments for subscription fees, matching job openings with resumes in its database.

12.   What businesses are willing to buy now are applications that do things like run human resource departments or handle company finances.

13.   Dubbed the most sophisticated system in the world, the PCPS was designed by Malaysia Airlines information resources department.

14.   Duke and other power generators sued the ISO after the water resources department said it would not pay for power bought on the expensive spot market.

15.   It is about this time of the year that human resource departments and hiring managers generally dread the most.

16.   The merged entity will not require four human resource departments or four secretaries to the CEO.

17.   They added that it was also necessary now for experts from geology and mineral resources departments to participate in urban planning.

n. + department >>共 851
police 19.41%
health 7.77%
government 6.26%
city 1.59%
justice 1.38%
finance 1.20%
research 1.16%
service 1.15%
education 1.02%
personnel 1.01%
resource 0.27%
resource + n. >>共 254
management 7.01%
development 6.06%
stock 5.84%
company 4.99%
center 4.89%
manager 4.25%
allocation 3.93%
centre 2.76%
officer 1.91%
department 1.81%
每页显示:    共 17