11.   But without the detailed legislation that the resolution called on the Finance Committee to develop, there was no clear sense of how many people would be covered.

12.   CT has declined to release voting results on a fourth proposal, a non-binding resolution calling for Great Western to open its books to Ahmanson.

13.   He also pointed out that the resolution called for verbal penitence but did not ask for any individual or organizational good deeds to translate inspired thoughts into legislative action.

14.   Other resolutions call for ridding the world of poverty, promoting education and reversing the spread of AIDS.

15.   The administration announced Friday that it would sponsor a U.N. resolution next month condemning Beijing for what the resolution calls the wholesale violation of human rights.

16.   The earlier resolution called for an Israeli withdrawal from Palestinian towns and blamed both sides for the fighting.

17.   The resolution also called for the drafting of a list of Iraqi officials who might be affected.

18.   The resolution also called on states to pass laws supporting DNA collection at arrest.

19.   The resolution called for support of efforts by Clinton to return democracy to Haiti.

20.   The resolution calls for better cooperation and the sharing of information among nations and international organizations.

n. + call >>共 869
plan 4.35%
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critic 1.65%
report 1.08%
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resolution 0.77%
resolution + v. >>共 352
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call 8.05%
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