11.   As a defense lawyer, she said, she is reserving judgment on Jackson until the charges are resolved.

12.   Armey added he would reserve judgment on the House bill until after conferring with Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, who chairs the education committee.

13.   As the stream of previously undeclared Republicans announced their intentions to vote for impeachment, at least two rank-and-file Republicans reserved judgment.

14.   A critic should reserve final judgment until the building is completed.

15.   But advocates for the elderly have reserved judgment, saying some older people will not sign up for the drug plan unless the benefits are more generous.

16.   But another commissioner, James Quello, said he would reserve judgment until he had read the final draft of the proposed rule.

17.   But Aseltine is reserving final judgment until the end of the week.

18.   But Father Diskin reserves judgment.

19.   But he reserved final judgment on the proposals.

20.   But investors seemed to be reserving judgment Tuesday.

v. + judgment >>共 274
make 14.72%
reserve 10.12%
pass 8.78%
withhold 5.41%
use 2.57%
cloud 2.14%
exercise 1.93%
enter 1.82%
trust 1.71%
render 1.71%
reserve + n. >>共 573
right 24.23%
judgment 7.95%
seat 3.70%
liquid 2.23%
comment 1.89%
decision 1.89%
room 1.77%
space 1.43%
time 1.22%
juice 1.09%
每页显示:    共 188