11.   The new estimate heightened concern that robust domestic and international demand for U.S. soybeans will cause reserves to dwindle to dangerously low levels in the coming months.

12.   When dollar reserves dwindled to alarming levels, Mexico was forced to let the peso float free.

13.   When his cash reserves dwindled, he had been hunting through his condominium for things to sell online.

14.   Farmers in the Valley are looking at an uncertain future as reserves dwindle toward record low levels in Amistad Reservoir near Del Rio and Falcon Lake near Zapata.

15.   Foreign currency reserves are dwindling from week to week.

16.   The state narrowly avoided blackouts Thursday when power reserves dwindled dangerously.

17.   They did not have much time to think about the negative impacts as foreign reserves were dwindling while supporting measures were somewhere in the air.

18.   Without such radical changes, the nation is headed for economic and social disaster as oil reserves dwindle and the suburban lifestyle becomes increasingly untenable, Kunstler predicted.

19.   The treasury has seen its reserves dwindle as falling oil prices hit a country where the cost of pumping crude is high.

20.   One UN source, who asked to remain anonymous, said UNPROFOR commanders were worried fuel reserves were rapidly dwindling.

n. + dwindle >>共 304
number 12.01%
supply 8.13%
population 2.79%
reserve 2.67%
crowd 2.31%
revenue 1.94%
support 1.82%
stock 1.58%
audience 1.33%
rank 1.21%
reserve + v. >>共 219
be 33.24%
dwindle 3.10%
fall 2.96%
have 2.25%
include 1.97%
make 1.69%
run 1.69%
increase 1.41%
need 1.41%
begin 1.27%
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