11.   Severe weather conditions ruled out any rescue operation until the following day.

12.   The U.S. offered to send ships to help in the rescue operation.

13.   The UN rescue operation started shortly after dawn.

14.   The rescue operation proved successful.

15.   The rescue operation began on Friday afternoon.

16.   An air force spokesman said the rescue operation was a race against time.

17.   Governments do, however, have a vital catalytic role in orchestrating rescue operations.

18.   A big rescue operation has been launched for a trawler missing in the English Channel.

19.   The bad weather hampered rescue operations.

20.   However, rescue operations are proving difficult.

n. + operation >>共 731
rescue 8.60%
relief 2.61%
police 2.56%
security 2.40%
search 2.39%
heart 2.27%
business 1.94%
sting 1.74%
bypass 1.68%
basketball 1.67%
rescue + n. >>共 311
worker 25.40%
effort 10.98%
operation 10.55%
team 10.23%
package 3.43%
plan 3.25%
mission 3.19%
crew 2.92%
official 2.92%
attempt 2.64%
每页显示:    共 981