11.   We asked patients to return to the study clinic if they required medical attention between scheduled study visits.

12.   Each facet of the problem requires careful attention.

13.   Proofreading requires patient attention to detail.

14.   The work requires scrupulous attention to detail.

15.   The job requires attention to detail.

16.   A few nettlesome details that still required attention.

17.   They require urgent attention by the C E C and must be addressed before any talks are conducted with the T andG.

18.   At this stage in the project every query is a priority and requires instant attention.

19.   Those who return for the same symptoms or are referred may require more attention.

20.   Hotels in particular do require special attention.

v. + attention >>共 193
pay 23.59%
draw 11.41%
attract 8.39%
turn 6.59%
focus 5.81%
get 5.80%
receive 3.50%
catch 2.68%
call 2.53%
divert 2.46%
require 1.10%
require + n. >>共 1156
approval 9.04%
surgery 3.45%
treatment 1.89%
attention 1.37%
lot 1.31%
change 1.25%
disclosure 1.14%
action 1.08%
use 0.84%
stitch 0.79%
每页显示:    共 185