11.   The ambassador said renewed hostilities would be disastrous to both countries and would endanger the busy international waterway.

12.   The force is responsible for deterring renewed hostilities, demilitarizing the Kosovo Liberation Army, and establishing a secure environment for refugees to return.

13.   The renewed hostilities underlined escalating tension in south Lebanon, the last fiery warfront in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

14.   The renewed hostilities came a day after violence claimed the heaviest single-day toll in southern Lebanon this year.

15.   Those deals, which also called for reconciliation and reunification, quickly gave way to renewed hostilities.

16.   Thorvald Stoltenberg said he was confident the peace deal signed last week would stick as long as foreign troops were in the country to prevent renewed hostilities.

17.   U.S. officials, in both Seoul and Washington, said they saw no threat of renewed hostilities.

18.   France has stressed that Bosnia is dangerously close to renewed large-scale hostilities.

19.   Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic Tuesday accused Moslem leaders in the Bosnian federation of endangering the Dayton peace accords and threatening renewed hostilities, the BBC reported.

20.   The renewed hostilities between the two sides belie the recently-expressed optimism here about a patchup between them.

a. + hostility >>共 308
outright 4.03%
open 3.80%
growing 3.57%
public 3.23%
renewed 2.65%
lingering 2.30%
escalating 2.30%
mutual 2.07%
racial 1.96%
ethnic 1.84%
renewed + n. >>共 700
interest 5.89%
violence 4.63%
concern 3.37%
effort 3.24%
attack 2.23%
call 2.06%
talk 1.97%
pressure 1.95%
confidence 1.89%
tension 1.76%
hostility 0.49%
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