11.   Instead of seeking or expecting rehabilitation and reassignment, an abusive priest will be removed from ministry, he said.

12.   In the past, many bishops have removed priests facing old allegations.

13.   Laicization is typically a lengthy, complex and sensitive process that has been a stumbling block to removing priests accused of sexual abuse.

14.   Many deal with accelerating the process for removing a priest from ministry.

15.   Many deal with accelerating the process for removing a priest from the ministry.

16.   Often the first accusations are ignored and victims are treated like enemies, they say, or priests are removed quietly.

17.   One possibility is that canon laws might eventually be amended to make it easier to remove abusive priests like Cipolla from the ministry.

18.   Over the last two weeks, two priests have been removed from parishes in St. Louis.

19.   She said she also approves of the policy of removing priests from the ministry after one confirmed case of abuse.

20.   Significantly, Mahony made it clear that the policy applies to removing priests from the ministry -- even if the cases against them are old.

v. + priest >>共 275
remove 5.31%
involve 4.12%
accuse 3.03%
kill 2.82%
arrest 2.38%
defrock 2.28%
say 2.06%
include 2.06%
protect 1.84%
see 1.84%
remove + n. >>共 1556
body 1.63%
barrier 1.30%
pan 1.14%
restriction 0.98%
obstacle 0.79%
tumor 0.79%
child 0.75%
chicken 0.72%
name 0.72%
president 0.70%
priest 0.30%
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