11.   Meanwhile, aid officials in Albania talk of relocating the refugees in the northern part of the country further inland.

12.   Meanwhile, defense force barracks have been prepared to receive refugees in Australia, and several federal and state agencies are on standby to help relocate refugees.

13.   NATO relocates refugees from border region.

14.   Relocating refugees to areas with arable land where they could grown their own crops is one option being considered by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.

15.   Russian officials, eager to announce the conflict settled, have repeatedly spoken of the need to relocate the refugees to Chechnya.

16.   The detentions Sunday occurred after army troops who had helped relocate refugees over the weekend had left the area.

17.   UNHCR began an urgent program late last year to relocate the refugees near the border to the Atrush camps.

18.   U.N. officials said they had been trying hard to relocate the refugees.

19.   It was being used to identify detainees, relocate refugees and establish where mortuary remains were.

20.   Mise said the UNHCR would try to relocate the refugees hiding in the hills in Ntamba, close to Mugano.

v. + refugee >>共 479
help 6.31%
take 3.52%
send 3.39%
return 3.39%
repatriate 2.82%
prevent 2.48%
kill 2.30%
accept 2.22%
protect 1.93%
house 1.88%
relocate 0.55%
relocate + n. >>共 228
headquarters 4.89%
refugee 3.80%
resident 3.62%
operation 3.08%
family 2.72%
team 2.72%
people 2.36%
office 1.81%
base 1.81%
hundred 1.63%
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