11.   She said they realized that their idea to notify communities when violent offenders are released was problematic.

12.   The law allows local police to notify schools, day-care centers and other agencies that serve vulnerable populations when a high-risk offender is released into the community.

13.   Up to now, law enforcement agencies could notify communities when certain offenders were released.

14.   When the state releases a convicted and chronic sex offender like Foster or Muldrew, we are all taking a gamble with tremendous stakes and lousy odds.

15.   With a click of a mouse, players can whack support for universities, release non-violent offenders from prison and slash benefits to poor families and the disabled.

16.   Forty-three sex offenders have been released from prison after a Colorado Supreme Court decision upholding its ruling that their parole sentences were illegal.

17.   Last week, Saskatoon police claimed dangerous pedophiles are moving here from Manitoba, a province which notifies the public when high-risk offenders are released.

18.   Six hundred other offenders could be released from prison without parole once they complete their sentences.

19.   Terhune admitted Thursday that sex offenders were released before authorities could be notified.

20.   The Legislature passed the No Early Release Act out of concern that violent offenders were being released on parole after serving only about a third of their sentences.

v. + offender >>共 221
punish 8.34%
prosecute 5.56%
treat 3.20%
release 3.06%
send 3.06%
sentence 2.36%
catch 2.23%
arrest 2.23%
bring 1.95%
jail 1.81%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
offender 0.11%
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