11.   Chinese officials have denied suggestions they would release dissidents as a goodwill gesture.

12.   China releases veteran dissident.

13.   Chinese police on Thursday released a dissident held for nearly two weeks in a crackdown on an opposition political party, a human rights group reported.

14.   China releases dissidents, but still holds another.

15.   His arrest came just a few months after several dissidents were released from prison as part of mass amnesties, sparking hopes that Vietnam might be loosening its policies.

16.   It came a few months after several dissidents were released from prison in a mass amnesty, sparking hopes that Vietnam might be loosening its policies.

17.   It also came just a few months after several dissidents were released from prison as part of mass amnesties, sparking hopes that Vietnam might be loosening its policies.

18.   On Sunday, a Syrian human rights organization urged authorities to release the dissidents, citing their poor health.

19.   Organizer Shahram Golestaneh said Canada and other countries should impose trade restrictions on Iran to pressure the government to release the dissidents.

20.   Some political dissidents were released, and China provided limited information about the status of several hundred specific cases.

v. + dissident >>共 188
release 6.54%
detain 5.10%
arrest 5.10%
jail 3.19%
free 2.71%
imprison 2.23%
include 2.07%
take 2.07%
support 1.91%
prevent 1.75%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
dissident 0.21%
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