11.   President Bush dismissed a Taliban offer Saturday to release the detainees if he called off the threat of attack.

12.   She said she did not know when the agency might begin releasing detainees.

13.   The detainees were released on Wednesday to Afghan Interim Authority officials in the southern Afghan town of Tarin Kowt, north of Kandahar, Mills said.

14.   There, they added their names to a lengthening list of released detainees at the mosque, and began searching for their families.

15.   Palestinian officials said a hot line was established with Israeli authorities, and the detainees were released.

16.   Palestinians say they expect to release two detainees, despite U.S.-brokered deal.

17.   An Israeli-backed militia in southern Lebanon released seven detainees Monday to mark a feast that ends the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

18.   Arafat has ordered arrest raids in the past, but most detainees were released after a few days.

19.   Arafat has ordered such arrest sweeps in the past after suicide bombings, but has always released the detainees later.

20.   Arafat has carried out such sweeps in the past to appease Israel after bombing attacks, and then gradually released the detainees.

v. + detainee >>共 165
release 12.15%
hold 8.54%
treat 5.78%
free 3.73%
visit 3.37%
identify 2.77%
take 2.53%
torture 2.29%
interrogate 2.17%
send 1.93%
release + n. >>共 848
detail 5.68%
name 5.61%
report 5.24%
statement 3.89%
information 3.62%
figure 3.39%
result 3.17%
hostage 3.06%
prisoner 2.84%
man 1.41%
detainee 0.53%
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