11.   Griffith spent time in a Minnesota drug rehab center and has drifted in and out of rocky relationships.

12.   He disappeared from a rehab center for four days nearly a year ago, prompting the current court-ordered treatment he violated.

13.   He has not been admitted into a drug rehab center or been released from one or sought to renegotiate his contract or played the peacock after having homered.

14.   He spent eight weeks at the Menninger Clinic, a drug and alcohol rehab center in Topeka, Kan.

15.   He went from being a patient at various rehab centers to being a counselor.

16.   He went through many drug rehab centers.

17.   His next opponent, Bert Cooper, was a last-minute replacement, a reclamation project from a drug rehab center.

18.   Instead there are rehab centers, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, a shrink in the afternoon, group therapy at night.

19.   Koty often finds herself back at the Spokane rehab center that helped get her back on her feet.

20.   More black bear cubs than ever before are fattening up at the rehab center thanks to virtually nonexistent food sources for them and their parents in the high country.

n. + center >>共 686
city 6.86%
detention 6.23%
research 3.26%
command 2.34%
distribution 2.28%
treatment 2.18%
trade 2.15%
health 1.85%
control 1.77%
rehabilitation 1.69%
rehab 0.51%
rehab + n. >>共 55
assignment 31.73%
center 15.26%
start 13.05%
program 7.63%
stint 5.02%
appearance 4.42%
clinic 2.01%
work 2.01%
game 1.81%
facility 1.81%
每页显示:    共 76