11.   Then the region experienced three periods of uplift followed by erosion.

12.   This is especially bothersome since the region has experienced heavy grapevine plantings in recent years.

13.   Other regions also experienced stayaways and boycotts.

14.   But because of the El Nino weather phenomenon, the region has experienced heavy rains since November.

15.   He said in fact, a renaissance could take place under economic conditions that are even more severe than those the region currently experience.

16.   In recent months, the Mideast region has experienced some of the bloodiest conflict in the last decade.

17.   Nagano is the southernmost site of any Winter Olympics and the region can experience wind, rain, fog and other bad weather.

18.   Samaranch said his only worry for Nagano is whether there will be enough snow, although he noted that the region experienced its first snowfall this week.

19.   The region has experienced a severe drought, but organizers had hoped to be able to stage the event with artificial snow.

20.   The region has experienced a surge in drug trafficking since the collapse of the Soviet Union, especially opium and heroin smuggled from Afghanistan.

n. + experience >>共 604
country 4.43%
people 4.19%
company 4.14%
patient 3.37%
woman 2.41%
child 2.27%
industry 2.27%
economy 1.88%
market 1.83%
visitor 1.30%
region 1.25%
region + v. >>共 437
be 33.81%
have 8.76%
become 2.35%
remain 2.35%
suffer 2.12%
see 1.90%
include 1.64%
need 1.42%
face 1.23%
experience 0.97%
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