11.   But international refugee officials say its apparent success shows that with similar protection, refugees could return to many other parts of Bosnia.

12.   But Naoum does not expect such support for Hezbollah to last long, especially if the conflict drags on and refugees do not return home soon.

13.   But refugees are returning to Grozny and slowly picking their way through the charred remains of their city to patch their lives back together.

14.   But Robert Gribbin, the US ambassador to Rwanda, told reporters that most refugees returned peacefully to neighboring Rwanda in the past week.

15.   But refugees are returning to Grozny and slowly beginning to patch their lives back together.

16.   But that man, and other Albanians interviewed yesterday, said there will not be reprisals against local Serbs when the Albanian refugees return.

17.   But the refugees will not return until they know they can get their house or plot of land back, until revenge killing and arbitrary imprisonment stop.

18.   By the time the refugees returned from the camps, the CARE official noted, more than a hundred thousand homes were heavily damaged or destroyed.

19.   Clinton said Milosevic must withdraw his forces, allow Albanian refugees to return and permit an international peace force to deploy in Kosovo.

20.   Cohen also signaled that NATO saw its expanding mission in the Balkans as extending beyond keeping peace in Kosovo and allowing refugees to return.

n. + return >>共 1046
official 2.73%
refugee 2.62%
plane 2.19%
soldier 1.78%
troop 1.65%
team 1.54%
police 1.53%
people 1.39%
worker 1.35%
man 1.23%
refugee + v. >>共 618
be 13.58%
say 7.18%
return 6.79%
flee 4.54%
have 3.73%
begin 2.20%
arrive 1.83%
tell 1.77%
continue 1.74%
come 1.56%
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