11.   Other women suffer pain during sex or menstruation, infertility, cysts, abscesses or recurrent infections, all long-term complications the ACOG recommendations address.

12.   Other women suffer pain during sex or menstruation, infertility, cysts, absesses or recurrent infections, all long-term complications the ACOG recommendations address.

a. + infection >>共 424
viral 12.19%
respiratory 9.08%
bacterial 8.52%
new 4.75%
serious 2.81%
staph 2.60%
intestinal 2.25%
fungal 2.22%
severe 2.01%
upper 1.87%
recurrent 0.42%
recurrent + n. >>共 170
theme 8.58%
rain 4.74%
problem 3.16%
ulcer 2.93%
nightmare 2.71%
infection 2.71%
shower 2.26%
episode 2.26%
thunderstorm 2.03%
drought 2.03%
每页显示:    共 12