11.   Of course the TV ratings would soar.

12.   Ratings are soaring.

13.   Ratings soared for all aspects of the coverage of the death of Diana.

14.   Ratings soared.

15.   Scouts say his ratings soared, dipped and then soared again during the college football season.

16.   So far, the younger Bush has done the right things from a public relations standpoint, and his approval rating has soared.

17.   So Hernandez could run for mayor and win right now, the way his popularity rating has soared.

18.   Television ratings have soared, and for the first time ever, the Patriots will be heard on an FM station, WBCN.

19.   Television ratings soared at most events.

20.   The Japan Broadcasting Corp. said its viewer ratings had soared to three times the normal level for the midnight period.

n. + soar >>共 473
price 17.31%
stock 9.92%
rate 3.24%
share 3.10%
cost 2.89%
sale 2.78%
tension 2.25%
unemployment 1.83%
popularity 1.83%
temperature 1.69%
rating 1.37%
rating + v. >>共 263
be 34.85%
fall 2.74%
soar 2.54%
go 2.21%
mean 2.15%
drop 2.02%
remain 1.89%
make 1.82%
rise 1.63%
reflect 1.63%
每页显示:    共 39