11.   Since then, his rating has plummeted.

12.   Unless the sport involves Tiger Woods or NASCAR, television ratings are plummeting.

13.   Vice President Al Gore, who distanced himself from Whitewater, has seen his ratings plummet following exposure of his own active role in fund-raising.

14.   When a senior event opposes a major championship on the regular tour, for example, ratings plummet and everyone loses.

15.   When talk of Gen. Colin Powell as a presidential candidate began, political experts said his extraordinary approval rating would plummet as soon as he took positions on issues.

16.   Without star power, ratings plummet and sponsors lose exposure.

17.   By the time she announced she was pregnant with twins in December, her approval ratings had plummeted.

18.   He has said he may run for president, though his ratings plummeted after his ouster as prime minister and his chances now look extremely slim.

19.   His public support ratings have plummeted, the economy has slipped into its third recession in a decade and his political adversaries sense weakness.

20.   The veteran German was forced to qualify because her rating has plummeted after an injury.

n. + plummet >>共 225
price 15.27%
stock 10.82%
sale 5.37%
popularity 4.78%
share 2.68%
market 2.52%
temperature 2.43%
value 2.43%
rate 2.18%
future 2.18%
rating 1.93%
rating + v. >>共 263
be 34.85%
fall 2.74%
soar 2.54%
go 2.21%
mean 2.15%
drop 2.02%
remain 1.89%
make 1.82%
rise 1.63%
reflect 1.63%
plummet 1.50%
每页显示:    共 23