11.   But they still face the glass ceiling, discrimination and even racist remarks.

12.   Canadian television has shown amateur videos taken at the time in which Airborne soldiers make racist remarks.

13.   Cobb had a joking explanation for the paucity of racist remarks.

14.   Do making racist remarks and tossing around bigoted opinions like wild pitches mean Braves reliever John Rocker is off his rocker?

15.   Ferrer said he was simply speaking out against racist remarks.

16.   For not only was the remark racist, it was an expression of the bedrock concept on which the entire edifice of white racism is built.

17.   Gen. Colin Powell compared the racist remarks of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan to the racist remarks made by former Los Angeles detective Mark Fuhrman.

18.   His unintentionally racist remarks in the opener set up a heated conflict with Coral.

19.   Instead, they ignore the racist remark.

20.   In those writings, which he took with him when he was paroled, he refers to Aryan pride and makes repeated racist remarks.

a. + remark >>共 674
opening 4.80%
similar 4.37%
public 4.28%
racist 3.49%
anti-semitic 2.91%
disparaging 2.78%
prepared 2.74%
recent 2.42%
brief 2.25%
controversial 1.50%
racist + n. >>共 382
remark 7.86%
attack 6.24%
comment 4.04%
group 2.35%
abuse 2.20%
view 2.06%
attitude 1.84%
joke 1.84%
statement 1.69%
violence 1.69%
每页显示:    共 106