11.   A Pakistani news agency quoted a spokesman for Omar as saying both he and the Taliban supreme leader were still in Kandahar.

12.   A Prisons Department spokesman was quoted by The Straits Times as saying that the appeal was rejected because he was likely to survive his remaining time in prison.

13.   Akapol Sorasuchart, the government spokesman quoted by The Nation as saying Thailand wanted to confront Newsweek over the story, was not immediately available Friday for further comment.

14.   All other hardware and software in the system worked normally, the spokesman was quoted as saying.

15.   All other hardware and software in the system functioned normally, the spokesman was quoted as saying.

16.   An emergency appendectomy was performed aboard the submarine on Wednesday night, ITAR-Tass said, quoting a spokesman for the Russian Consulate in Edinburgh, Scotland.

17.   An unidentified spokesman was quoted as saying Pasko had been collecting state secrets for a long time.

18.   An embassy spokesman was quoted in the Berliner Morgenpost newspaper as saying that security officers had acted according to procedure.

19.   Bernama quoted police spokesman Jumat Othman as saying the Indonesians came from Pulau Rupat island in Indonesia in two boats.

20.   But in Khartoum, the official Sudan News Agency quoted army spokesman Gen. Mohamed Sanoussi as saying that the situation on the eastern border was calm.

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