11.   Some experts believe there is a tendency for students to push harder than usual, which may cause frequent participants to burn out and develop overuse injuries.

12.   Then he pushed it harder.

13.   This just pushes me harder to want to do it.

14.   While Democrats tend to push harder than Republicans for more spending, reining in spending has been difficult no matter which party is in the majority.

15.   Yet instead of conserving his voice, Vedder pushed it harder.

16.   Even as federal officials promise to push harder on privacy legislation this year, groups from across the political spectrum are challenging them to put it in writing.

17.   Officials from countries with mid-sized economies said they want to push harder for global free trade after concluding a two-day meeting Friday.

18.   That was making it difficult for the United Nations to raise the necessary funds and the specialized agencies would have to push harder, he said.

19.   After his win, the German said he was unhappy at not being pushed harder in his first three rounds.

20.   Stich said he was unhappy at not being pushed harder by foes in his first three rounds.

v. + harder >>共 14
make 87.74%
find 9.07%
push 1.30%
get 0.85%
consider 0.20%
press 0.20%
prove 0.13%
think 0.13%
laugh 0.07%
pushing 0.07%
push + a. >>共 83
lower 25.34%
higher 22.95%
hard 12.39%
open 10.68%
deeper 3.64%
closer 2.84%
harder 2.27%
right 1.59%
ahead 1.48%
close 1.36%
每页显示:    共 20