11.   But civil libertarians warn that punitive measures can backfire.

12.   But he warned GOP legislators Tuesday to not spoil the spirit of bipartisan cooperation by loading the bill with punitive measures in the House-Senate conference.

13.   But NBA Commissioner David Stern has broad discretion as to what punitive measures he may mete out.

14.   But the Security Council is plainly not willing to authorize punitive measures against Iraq.

15.   But they advanced the Cairo agreement by adding a new provision that urges countries to review punitive measures against women who have illegal abortions.

16.   But while the conservatives lobby for punitive measures to remove Castro from power, the moderates accept Castro for now.

17.   But when politicians use the same phrase, they are usually preaching punitive measures to compel adults on welfare and their absent mates to support their young children financially.

18.   But using it as an excuse to overreach into punitive measures that the public will not tolerate will be a loser.

19.   Chang, who was said to be visibly angry, announced the punitive measures immediately after Nzo left the meeting.

20.   Child advocates fear such punitive measures will prevent women from seeking prenatal care and substance abuse treatment.

a. + measure >>共 741
new 6.58%
similar 3.73%
emergency 2.14%
precautionary 2.09%
cost-cutting 2.03%
good 1.99%
preventive 1.91%
tough 1.71%
drastic 1.57%
temporary 1.52%
punitive 1.48%
punitive + n. >>共 134
measure 22.60%
action 16.47%
tariff 14.36%
damage 8.76%
sanction 6.86%
trade 2.22%
award 2.01%
duty 1.90%
strike 1.69%
tax 1.58%
每页显示:    共 213