11.   Iraq has long accused the United States of providing misleading information to the inspectors in order to keep the punishing economic sanctions in place.

12.   Iraq has said repeatedly that it holds no Kuwaiti prisoners and has accused Kuwait of keeping the issue alive to try to maintain punishing U.N. trade sanctions on Iraq.

13.   Iraq blames Clinton and his aides for prolonging punishing U.N. trade sanctions that were imposed after the invasion.

14.   Iraq has long been at odds with the United States and Britain, accusing them of working to maintain the punishing sanctions on the country.

15.   Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein on Thursday urged members of the U.N. Security Council to reject American pressure and vote to lift the punishing economic sanctions against his country.

16.   Iraq has long accused the United States of trying to prolong punishing U.N. trade sanctions against Iraq to try to undercut Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

17.   It charges that the Special Commission, with backing from the United States, is trying to prolong the punishing sanctions.

18.   Milosevic dumped the Bosnian Serbs last year and told the world he was for peace in hopes of having punishing international sanctions against his nation lifted.

19.   Milosevic dumped the Bosnian Serbs last year and told the world he was for peace in hopes of having punishing international sanctions lifted.

20.   Now, he is eager to be seen as a peacemaker to get punishing U.N. economic sanctions on Yugoslavia lifted.

a. + sanction >>共 487
economic 31.20%
international 10.61%
new 4.22%
possible 2.68%
crippling 2.62%
further 1.76%
unilateral 1.69%
tougher 1.69%
imposing 1.68%
lifting 1.54%
punishing 0.52%
punishing + n. >>共 245
sanction 6.42%
airstrikes 3.77%
schedule 3.77%
air 3.21%
company 3.21%
trade 2.64%
attack 1.70%
strike 1.51%
blow 1.32%
people 1.32%
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