11.   Rather, they punish countries for war-making by withholding any investment capital for them to grow.

12.   Sometimes, for example, the United States punishes a country by halting farm exports.

13.   The Clinton administration eventually reversed itself and said it would not punish African countries that sought cheap AIDS drugs even if they broke American patent law.

14.   The House on Thursday overwhelmingly approved a bill to punish foreign countries that persecute people for their religious beliefs.

15.   They claim it seeks to punish other countries for investing in the Communist-ruled island, the actual political target of the United States.

16.   Pakistan has previously called the measure unfair because it punished the country and does not impose penalties on rival India despite its even larger nuclear weapons program.

17.   Others contend the law unfairly punishes third countries and is really aimed at winning the support of Cuban-American voters.

18.   A country that receives decertification with a national interest waiver has not cooperated in combating drugs, but American interests require the country not be punished.

19.   Albright met with European and NATO officials, but could not talk EU leaders out of opposing the controversial American law punishing countries that trade with Cuba.

20.   But Beijing has recently gone further, using its diplomatic muscle in the Security Council to punish countries that have ties with Taiwan.

v. + country >>共 730
leave 12.40%
enter 6.19%
flee 5.50%
visit 2.40%
run 2.40%
lead 2.31%
divide 1.65%
represent 1.57%
rebuild 1.14%
name 1.09%
punish 0.33%
punish + n. >>共 620
company 7.92%
people 3.12%
offender 2.53%
country 2.32%
official 1.85%
stock 1.73%
violator 1.64%
perpetrator 1.56%
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player 1.35%
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