11.   Pumped himself to Palookaville.

12.   SPM sells flow control and plunger pumps to well-service companies that serve oil producers.

13.   Steam is forced through one of the holes, causing the heavy oil to warm and drip into the second well, which then is pumped to the surface.

14.   The ice water does its work, absorbing heat from the building, and then is pumped back to the plant to await refreezing.

15.   The plan was to put a chemical into the tanks that would make the most radioactive materials sink, so they could be pumped to the solidification plant.

16.   The resulting chocolate is pumped to various machines throughout the plant via overhead pipes.

17.   The right atrium squirts oxygen-depleted blood from the body into the right ventricle, which pumps it to the lungs.

18.   The two upper chambers of the heart, the atria, collect blood from the veins and pump it to the ventricles.

19.   The valves control how much fluid is pumped to the cylinders, which push against the mechanisms, making the eyes blink and the fluke twitch.

20.   Then the mix is pumped to the packing room, where it is combined with the flavorings, sent through the freezing churn and pumped out.

v. + to >>共 917
flee 2.74%
close 2.65%
use 2.52%
tie 2.44%
spread 2.13%
continue 1.83%
expect 1.48%
open 1.40%
get_back 1.35%
know 1.32%
pump 0.03%
pump + p. >>共 44
out 30.97%
in 17.22%
from 12.92%
through 8.61%
to 5.14%
with 3.89%
at 3.75%
for 3.61%
on 1.81%
about 1.25%
每页显示:    共 37