11.   Calcium channel blockers block calcium from entering back into the heart muscle cells after they constrict and pump blood out of the heart with great force.

12.   Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart ceases to pump blood around the body.

13.   Doctors had to pump the blood to keep his brain from swelling.

14.   Either way, however, it is clear that anger reduces the efficiency with which blood is pumped by the heart.

15.   Every single extra pound forces your heart to pump blood through five extra miles of capillaries.

16.   Flapping their ears pumps cooled blood through the body.

17.   He said the ventricle could not pump blood past the pinched valve.

18.   Heart failure means the heart is too weak and enlarged to pump sufficient blood, and fluid accumulates in the tissues.

19.   His high blood pressure makes it more difficult for his heart to pump blood throughout his body.

20.   In that condition, the main pumping chamber of the heart quivers instead of beats and loses the ability to pump blood.

v. + blood >>共 400
donate 8.80%
draw 8.73%
have 4.37%
give 4.20%
see 2.63%
smell 2.22%
spill 2.22%
pump 1.98%
shed 1.81%
take 1.74%
pump + n. >>共 294
fist 19.77%
water 9.48%
oil 8.95%
money 8.32%
gas 3.80%
blood 2.79%
arm 2.55%
million 2.55%
air 2.26%
billion 2.02%
每页显示:    共 58