11.   And the public profiles of both men have risen in the last year.

12.   And though she has lately kept a lower public profile, Mrs. Clinton said it would be unlike her to keep quiet.

13.   And while he keeps a low public profile, Accorsi is a fiery behind-the-scenes leader.

14.   As the lawyers fought in court, the candidates kept fairly low public profiles on Thursday.

15.   At the same time he has struggled relentlessly to maintain a high public profile as the keeper of the flame of lively architectural dialogue.

16.   Because Sharpton has increased his public profile while the other advisers have largely slipped from public view, public interest in the suit has centered on Sharpton.

17.   Beginning life as a shoeshine boy, he maintained a low public profile while climbing a Horatio Alger ladder.

18.   Because Steinbrenner has adopted a low-key public profile in recent seasons, some people think he has mellowed.

19.   Both companies carry a public profile of keeping down management fees and other expenses to their investors.

20.   Bratton, a very proud man who was forced by Giuliani to adopt a much lower public profile, insists that everything is fine now.

a. + profile >>共 453
higher 9.77%
low 7.59%
public 6.98%
lower 6.09%
international 4.47%
highest 3.46%
psychological 3.29%
national 3.24%
high 2.74%
political 2.46%
public + n. >>共 762
support 2.43%
fund 2.08%
appearance 2.05%
hearing 1.96%
comment 1.87%
official 1.85%
transport 1.69%
education 1.68%
statement 1.66%
office 1.58%
profile 0.24%
每页显示:    共 124