11.   Serbia might be willing to agree to give Kosovo a degree of autonomy but would never allow the province to secede.

12.   Sometime this year, the Quebecois will vote in a referendum to decide whether or not they want their French-speaking province to secede from Canada.

13.   The French president says he would recognize Quebec if the province secedes from Canada.

14.   Wahid said late Wednesday that if he stepped down there would be chaos and several provinces would secede.

15.   Wahid told reporters on his way back to Indonesia late Wednesday that if he stepped down there would be chaos and several provinces would secede from Indonesia.

16.   Many foreign companies are known to be planning to slow down their investment in Quebec if the province secedes.

17.   The Indonesian government earlier this month gave the rebels another chance for peace talks but made it clear it would not allow the resource-rich province to secede.

n. + secede >>共 17
province 25.76%
republic 25.76%
right 7.58%
territory 7.58%
region 6.06%
south 6.06%
state 6.06%
campaign 1.52%
community 1.52%
country 1.52%
province + v. >>共 260
be 27.12%
have 7.46%
remain 3.95%
become 2.60%
secede 1.92%
border 1.47%
need 1.02%
decide 1.02%
take 1.02%
pay 1.02%
每页显示:    共 17