11.   Indonesian President B.J. Habibie announced in January that the government would allow the province to become fully independent if its people reject a plan for limited self-government.

12.   Parizeau has indicated he favors a limited two-year aid package in which the province would become a shareholder in the team.

13.   Some provinces could become pollution havens due to the lack of national air standards, he said.

14.   Suwarna said the province had become vulnerable to fires because of high temperatures.

15.   The province has become the latest battleground between police and radicals fighting to overthrow the government and install Islamic rule.

16.   The storm has had a mixed impact on Quebec politics, which revolve around whether the mostly French-speaking province should become independent from Canada.

17.   However, some SCNC officials argued further for the two English-speaking provinces to become independent and then themselves seek Commonwealth membership.

18.   Before the bridge sabotage here, the surrounding province had become the only way to break the blockade of the capital.

19.   The province has become the new stronghold for Moslem militants waging a bloody anti-government campaign since they were chased out of the neighbouring area of Asyut in the autumn.

20.   Lucien Bouchard, the premier of Quebec, who wants to see the province become an independent state, comes from this region.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
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issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
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province 0.06%
province + v. >>共 260
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become 2.60%
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