11.   Zhirinovsky used the occasion to lash out at prominent officials for failing to protect legislators, demanding the resignation of Rybkin and Interior Minister Viktor Yerin.

v. + legislator >>共 270
include 5.78%
lobby 4.81%
elect 3.30%
say 2.61%
tell 2.34%
accuse 1.79%
protect 1.51%
meet 1.51%
have 1.24%
influence 1.24%
protect + n. >>共 1085
child 3.38%
right 2.90%
environment 2.68%
privacy 2.25%
interest 2.02%
people 1.92%
worker 1.66%
consumer 1.37%
civilian 1.07%
investment 1.06%
legislator 0.07%
每页显示:    共 11