11.   The department also has a gang unit, a community policing program and school programs intended to discourage children from using illegal drugs.

12.   The doll is part of the Baby Think It Over program intended to combat pregnancy among teen-agers.

13.   The federal government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars on price-support programs intended to prevent the farm economy from drowning in its own abundance.

14.   The program intends to stop the cycle that fosters new generations of troubled children and social problems.

15.   Vice President Al Gore will announce Thursday a stepped-up program intended to help combat software piracy worldwide.

16.   Genocide is defined as the systematic killing of, or a program of action intended to destroy, a whole national or ethnic group.

17.   Has a program intended to save wild horses as a symbol of the American frontier evolved into a supply system for horse meat?

18.   He has proposed an incentive-driven program intended to induce voluntary reductions in U.S. industries.

19.   In doing so, the court agreed to refine its view of whether federal programs intended to help minority businesses amount to reverse discrimination against whites.

20.   The program intends to bring together unions, industry, government and even clergy to brainstorm on jobs creation.

n. + intend >>共 801
government 9.45%
company 8.37%
group 3.29%
administration 2.31%
official 1.82%
president 1.47%
party 1.09%
bank 0.98%
team 0.91%
authority 0.88%
program 0.70%
program + v. >>共 667
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help 2.03%
provide 1.85%
allow 1.69%
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