11.   Profits have been shrinking for the past two years or more at four general contractors.

12.   Tax cuts, they say, are unlikely to persuade businesses to hire and to spend, not when profits are shrinking in a weak economy.

13.   The company warned, though, its profits will shrink because of the currency turmoil in Asia.

14.   U.S. computer-related companies tumbled on signs that demand is easing in the U.S and profits are shrinking in Asia.

15.   Unemployment could rise if corporate profits shrank, bringing fresh cost cutting and layoffs.

16.   When profits shrink, companies ordinarly raise prices to make up for the decline.

17.   With profits on gasoline shrinking nationwide, service stations have broadened their businesses wherever possible.

18.   Hoey said company profits are shrinking in the wake of a general global economic slowdown, a deceleration that has been especially noticeable in the U.S.

19.   Profits are shrinking, production is being scaled back and consumer spending is weakening.

20.   What more when their profits have also shrunk as a result of the IMF prescriptions.

n. + shrink >>共 540
economy 6.73%
tumor 2.52%
budget 2.24%
market 2.04%
deficit 2.04%
surplus 1.97%
number 1.97%
supply 1.90%
profit 1.50%
lead 1.50%
profit + v. >>共 359
be 29.44%
fall 6.52%
rise 6.16%
go 3.72%
grow 2.58%
come 2.31%
suffer 2.28%
continue 1.80%
decline 1.62%
improve 1.44%
shrink 0.66%
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