11.   Manzi argued that Microsoft in each product cycle adds new functions to its operating system, undercutting software companies that sell those same functions as separate software programs.

12.   Most of them have short product cycles and tremendous competition, he said, and very few are worth the high valuations they command.

13.   One of the biggest changes is that product cycles are getting shorter, so there is much more of a sense of urgency.

14.   Product cycles are shorter than ever.

15.   Product development cycles are a lot quicker, competition is fierce, and focus on technology is very important.

16.   Product cycles in the intensely competitive disk drive industry have become shorter as the need for more storage space in computers has become more critical.

17.   Some companies score high simply because they are doing extremely well and their product cycles are peaking.

18.   Technology companies could flourish even as blue-chip companies head into recession because they are typically driven by product cycles rather than economic cycles.

19.   The equipment maker expects to benefit from new product cycles from Seagate and Read-Rite.

20.   The product development cycle is long and the profit margins are slim, but the finished products sure do smell good.

n. + cycle >>共 289
election 14.46%
news 5.02%
spin 3.70%
product 3.35%
budget 2.63%
growth 2.03%
song 1.91%
sleep 1.79%
market 1.79%
production 1.79%
product + n. >>共 705
line 13.05%
company 5.21%
development 4.93%
price 2.74%
placement 2.14%
manager 1.97%
maker 1.67%
future 1.64%
range 1.62%
category 1.45%
cycle 0.49%
每页显示:    共 28