11.   It was noted that the Hibbs contribution suggested that right-wing governments tended to see inflation as more of a problem than unemployment.

12.   We found indications that homophonic phrases were more of a problem than had previously been thought.

13.   The ex-care women studied by Quinton and his colleagues were not only more likely to have parenting problems than other women, however.

14.   Mr MacLaren suggests that persistent enuretics on board a warship would create even more serious problems than in any army barracks, and I would agree with that proposition.

15.   An out-of-focus image or audio problems can sometimes be an even bigger problem than audience noise.

16.   An appreciative King Fahd gave him a luxury car, but it would not be long before his newfound celebrity began to generate more problems than perquisites.

17.   An even bigger problem than testing, Burke said, will be finding a company to manufacture the vaccine.

18.   And both banks had more serious bad loan problems than most banks are thought to have.

19.   And a counteroffer might well present less of an antitrust problem than the Phillips deal.

20.   And Los Angeles has a large population of low-income and uninsured people, who have less access to care and more health problems than the population as a whole.

n. + than >>共 1788
better 1.51%
money 1.37%
rate 1.04%
time 0.97%
year 0.80%
game 0.73%
people 0.71%
worse 0.64%
problem 0.56%
harm 0.52%
problem + p. >>共 73
of 23.83%
in 23.48%
for 18.15%
at 5.41%
on 3.75%
by 3.27%
to 2.14%
as 2.13%
from 1.67%
such_as 1.45%
than 1.24%
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