11.   Cotton prices rose, rebounding from a nine-month low yesterday, amid speculation the lower prices will boost demand from exporters and domestic mills.

12.   Contributing to the price rise earlier this week was concern that the low soybean prices would boost export demand, putting pressure on tight U.S. reserves.

13.   Declining interest rates on bonds help boost demand for bank loans while rising bond prices also boost the value of bank investments.

14.   Earlier in the year, higher oil and gas prices also boosted earnings.

15.   Energy stocks rose in anticipation that increased oil prices will boost profits, but airline shares fell because fuel costs will rise.

16.   Falling prices boosted gold demand from commercial users.

17.   Falling gold prices have boosted demand for gold by commercial users.

18.   Higher gold prices boosted shares of gold producers.

19.   Higher phosphate prices also boosted earnings, the company said.

20.   Higher bullion prices could boost shares of producers like Placer Dome Inc. and TVX Gold Inc.

n. + boost >>共 729
rate 4.81%
dollar 4.16%
company 3.24%
price 2.44%
step 2.41%
government 2.08%
gain 1.79%
report 1.68%
yen 1.39%
cost 1.28%
price + v. >>共 308
be 18.75%
fall 11.71%
rise 11.21%
close 3.83%
drop 2.35%
go 1.80%
remain 1.74%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.64%
move 1.22%
boost 0.22%
每页显示:    共 67