11.   Prior to his three-game winning streak, Dempster had lost three straight starts and six of his previous seven.

12.   Sweden has won five of its previous seven.

a. + seven >>共 138
last 13.45%
the 12.50%
top 5.87%
first 5.30%
front 4.73%
remaining 4.36%
past 4.17%
next 2.65%
previous 2.27%
aged 1.89%
previous + n. >>共 916
year 6.07%
government 4.20%
day 3.98%
game 2.56%
attempt 1.60%
study 1.58%
season 1.40%
week 1.29%
month 1.26%
night 1.23%
seven 0.05%
每页显示:    共 12