11.   Some press reports described the holding of the WEU parallel meeting as establishing a precedent for greater EC influence over the WEU.

12.   Local press reports quoted the Minister of State for Defence, Maj.-Gen.

13.   Press reports said that a proposal for joint sovereignty over Gibraltar was discussed, but there was no official confirmation.

14.   Press reports in June claimed that the United States had threatened to withdraw aid to Israel for immigration absorption if the settlements policy was not terminated.

15.   Local press reports said that former President Traore had been hurriedly moved from the Kati barracks, where he had been held in detention.

16.   Other press reports indicated that the summit had been conceived to reinforce the position of the UK and France.

17.   His visit coincided with press reports that Israel had passed on US arms technology to third countries, including China.

18.   He also denied press reports alleging the involvement of members of Koevoet, the former Namibian counter-insurgency unit.

19.   According to local press reports three people were killed in Bamenda, including Tita Fomukong, chair of the Cameroon National Party which had supported Biya.

20.   The situation remained unclear at the end of the month, with some French press reports suggesting that the rebels had opted for guerrilla warfare.

n. + report >>共 395
news 19.61%
press 7.82%
medium 6.24%
newspaper 5.91%
earnings 5.10%
government 4.34%
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police 3.98%
television 2.94%
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press + n. >>共 567
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