11.   The priority for senior cadres is to strengthen party organizations and preserve unity, amid rumors that the paramount leader, Deng Xiaoping, is ailing.

12.   To preserve team unity, pro football players avoid pointing fingers at teammates who have not played well.

13.   Unlike his bickering American counterparts today, however, Chad withdrew in favor of the other candidate to preserve unity.

14.   But meeting participants denied that the quest to preserve unity in the group blunted its resolve.

15.   Denmark, for one, would have preferred for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to start membership talks with the EU simultaneously for the sake of preserving Baltic unity.

16.   Dr Mahathir said the celebration advocated the true meaning of sacrifice and called on Muslims to preserve unity, prevent division and infighting among themselves.

17.   He also promised to preserve the unity of Jerusalem, where the Palestinians want the Israeli-annexed eastern sector as their capital.

18.   He predicted Washington would accept a compromise short of an outright ban to preserve council unity.

19.   In effect, he dismissed in advance whatever proposals are drafted by a federal Cabinet committee formed by Chretien to preserve national unity.

20.   In the four-and-a-half years that General Abacha headed the provisional council holding the reins of power, Nigerian unity has been preserved.

v. + unity >>共 186
promote 6.57%
threaten 5.76%
maintain 5.63%
preserve 4.69%
show 4.16%
achieve 2.55%
demonstrate 2.28%
strengthen 2.14%
undermine 2.01%
seek 2.01%
preserve + n. >>共 955
peace 1.86%
job 1.63%
environment 1.52%
integrity 1.52%
tie 1.41%
victory 1.32%
right 1.30%
history 1.13%
land 1.13%
memory 1.07%
unity 0.99%
每页显示:    共 35