11.   So I want to, first of all, in presenting this report to remind you of the importance of that link and for us to encourage its development.

12.   And at the conference, educators presented hopeful reports on special programs to help more aggressive children learn to keep their impulses under better control.

13.   Andersen argued that its senior management did not authorize the destruction and presented a report by independent law firms to support its claims.

14.   As she understood it, Boutros-Ghali would present his report, representing both sides of the issue without recommending either course.

15.   At any rate, he went back to Italy, presented his report to Zonin, and three days later returned to Barboursville as its manager.

16.   At the same time, the head of a commission advocating the tax ban is presenting his report to top GOP leaders at a Caitol ceremony.

17.   Bank of England Governor Eddie George said he will present a report on the collapse of Barings Plc to Chancellor of the Exchequer Kenneth Clarke next week.

18.   Bettman has proposed that an accounting firm audit the books and present its report to the players association.

19.   Both reports are being presented Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists in San Diego.

20.   Bowen took on the one-man task of determining the future of the bonfire after the special commission presented a report in May outlining the cause of the collapse.

v. + report >>共 377
deny 14.08%
confirm 10.97%
say 6.26%
release 4.17%
receive 3.99%
issue 3.04%
follow 2.82%
have 2.27%
investigate 2.14%
file 1.94%
present 1.15%
present + n. >>共 1427
evidence 5.11%
case 4.16%
problem 3.92%
plan 3.06%
proposal 2.89%
report 2.85%
finding 2.78%
award 2.68%
challenge 2.03%
result 1.50%
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