11.   But McConnell, while not predicting results, voiced confidence that Republicans will remain in charge.

12.   By late August, pundits were predicting disastrous results for the Democrats in the November election.

13.   Experts here and in Washington predict mixed results.

14.   He said he could not predict the results, saying that there are Timorese who favor integration with Indonesia.

15.   Intricate relationships among trade, corporate growth, wages and prices make results harder to predict.

16.   Litton, based in Woodland Hills, California, got the result long predicted.

17.   Still, he predicted results both successful and speedy.

18.   The FBI director would not predict any results.

19.   The most renowned one, the Iowa Electronic Markets, has often outperformed pollsters in predicting election results.

20.   The theory has been wonderfully accurate in predicting the results of subatomic particle experiments, and it has also been the basis of speculations verging on science fiction.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
predict 0.33%
predict + n. >>共 842
victory 4.64%
outcome 3.66%
future 2.75%
rain 2.72%
growth 2.09%
weather 1.95%
success 1.55%
change 1.37%
result 1.29%
end 1.06%
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