11.   He attempted to repair the damage Friday at the White House prayer breakfast with his most aggressive speech of contrition.

12.   He even spoke at a prayer breakfast.

13.   He said he received a call from President Clinton this week offering condolences and inviting Meredith to the White House for a prayer breakfast.

14.   He goes to informal gatherings of House members like the Thursday prayer breakfasts.

15.   In Washington last week, at the weekly prayer breakfast for members of Congress, prayers were offered up asking that the baseball strike be ended quickly.

16.   It is one of several prayer breakfasts, speeches, parades and celebrations commemorating the birthday of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

17.   Monday morning, the Log Cabin Republicans held a prayer breakfast featuring a gay evangelical activist, the Rev. Mel White.

18.   Neither did a second, more expansive speech a few weeks later while he was on vacation, nor a third attempt at the annual White House prayer breakfast.

19.   On that day, Clinton read a modern Yom Kippur prayer to a group of clergy at a White House prayer breakfast.

20.   On last Friday at the prayer breakfast I laid out as carefully and as brutally honestly as I could what I believed the essential truth to be.

n. + breakfast >>共 85
prayer 19.72%
morning 11.76%
day 6.57%
pancake 6.23%
school 5.19%
delegation 3.46%
power 3.46%
business 2.42%
weekend 2.08%
gourmet 1.73%
prayer + n. >>共 177
service 21.32%
vigil 9.41%
leader 5.61%
group 4.48%
breakfast 4.32%
session 4.10%
room 4.10%
hall 2.58%
mat 2.43%
time 2.43%
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