11.   In Florida, the horse was allowed to be saddled privately and to skip the post parade.

12.   Now, before the Preakness, attention is focused on the saddling paddock and post parade.

13.   One of the few knocks on him has been that he acted up in the paddock or the post parade.

14.   Part of the classics is the pressure of being there and the post parade and all that stuff.

15.   Skip Away, for one, uses a shadow roll, but check the post parade to see if there are others.

16.   Some of them capture the fancy of the railbirds just by the way they look or shake their tails in the post parade.

17.   That horse had a quirky habit of freezing in his tracks during the post parade, and McGaughey did not want to expose him to the Derby bedlam.

18.   The crowd in the paddock was heavy, the post parade was long.

19.   The colt was a bad actor who would misbehave in the paddock, in the post parade, and at the gate.

20.   The impact of the storm was dramatized Wednesday during the post parade for the second race at Gulfstream Park.

n. + parade >>共 193
victory 11.44%
ticker-tape 10.56%
post 5.11%
pride 2.64%
fashion 2.64%
homecoming 2.64%
torchlight 2.64%
carnival 1.76%
costume 1.76%
identity 1.76%
post + n. >>共 270
position 12.09%
player 10.58%
pattern 5.04%
parade 3.65%
move 3.27%
disorder 2.14%
play 1.76%
route 1.64%
game 1.26%
mortems 1.26%
每页显示:    共 29