11.   But Violet Ruiz said the FAA policy makes no sense.

12.   Chirac, whose deficit-cutting economic policies have made him deeply unpopular at home, flew back to France on Friday to both criticism and praise.

13.   Development is accelerating the damage, they said, and federal policies are making the situation worse, not better.

14.   Dollar policies usually make economists nervous.

15.   Domestic policy makes a difference in the developing world, too.

16.   Do these policies make a difference?

17.   For a common monetary policy would make it harder than ever for Europe to cope with high unemployment and vast disparities in living standards.

18.   For the time being that policy still makes sense.

19.   He said the no-pay policy was making the job of legislating all the more difficult.

20.   Her no-nonsense, no-fix policy made no exceptions.

n. + make >>共 1472
company 3.80%
government 1.92%
official 1.37%
team 1.20%
people 1.13%
police 0.87%
player 0.78%
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rate 0.69%
president 0.68%
policy 0.13%
policy + v. >>共 703
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