11.   But on one side are those who argue that it is essential to understand how U.S. policies helped create the conditions that produced such monstrous fanatics.

12.   But on one side are those who argue that it is essential to understand how United States policies helped create the conditions that produced such monstrous fanatics.

13.   But the policies have so far helped the wealthiest Argentines more than anyone else and increased working-class unemployment.

14.   But the decline has not translated into new support for the governor, Miringoff said, indicating that voters do not think his economic policies have helped.

15.   But these strongarm policies have also helped perpetuate a one-party state, a cowed press and flagrant abuses of individual liberty.

16.   Clinton talked about how his urban policies would help these merchants, and he left them with hope.

17.   Dole toured the Baker Printing Co. plant next to the museum and said his policies would help small businesses.

18.   Economists have long argued whether such an industrial policy helped or hurt Japan and whether it should be adopted by the United States and other countries.

19.   EEOC officials said the new policy would help not just illegal aliens, but also their co-workers.

20.   Even many of his critics admit that his tough, often hardhearted policies have helped produce a much cleaner, safer and economically vibrant New York.

n. + help >>共 1529
government 1.38%
program 1.12%
money 1.11%
rate 1.05%
dollar 0.99%
move 0.96%
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system 0.62%
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policy 0.38%
policy + v. >>共 703
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