11.   ...a policy document for the Labour Party conference.

12.   The most stringent policy document advocating the best practice is only as good as the level of compliance achieved.

13.   Detailing the provenance of files such as letters, departmental policy documents and surveys may not prove too problematic, but what of internal electronic mail and memoranda?

14.   A landmark environment policy document was issued by the Labour Party in September, which claims it is committing itself to a green government.

15.   However, the measures proposed are not costed, and its policy document lacks credibility.

16.   It is part of a package of measures, outlined in a Scottish Homes care in the community policy document.

17.   ICI has since published an environmental policy document with these four objectives as its cornerstones.

18.   Dorrell said the government will issue a further policy document on allocation of next-generation digital television channels this summer.

19.   He ambled into meetings quietly, wearing a crisp suit and occasionally donning glasses to scan policy documents.

20.   In a policy document last week, he backed price controls and warned against relying on foreign loans and investment.

n. + document >>共 493
court 20.58%
travel 12.15%
government 5.51%
identity 3.61%
company 2.83%
draft 2.48%
identification 1.98%
bank 1.87%
industry 1.43%
policy 1.28%
policy + n. >>共 754
maker 8.32%
change 6.86%
meeting 5.05%
issue 3.80%
decision 3.67%
statement 2.88%
difference 2.11%
shift 2.03%
speech 1.73%
adviser 1.68%
document 0.63%
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