11.   This is no mere gender-bending plot contrivance.

12.   This is poetic wisdom, not mere plot contrivance, and it suffuses the novel with a substance far more lasting than who done what to whom.

13.   This is where the plot contrivances of all three movies wear thin.

n. + contrivance >>共 5
plot 76.47%
budget 5.88%
catch-all 5.88%
medium 5.88%
soap-opera 5.88%
plot + n. >>共 164
twist 26.26%
device 7.58%
development 6.57%
point 4.21%
turn 3.37%
summary 2.69%
element 2.36%
contrivance 2.19%
hole 2.02%
thread 1.85%
每页显示:    共 13